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Enbendazole For Humans !!!

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grandpajoe | 17:57 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

Fenbendazole for humans. Can humans take this drug as they fight cancer?? Ive heard it can be taken and I,ve also heard it actually works!!!!  



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Clinical trials for febendazole as a cancer treatment are still in the very early stages so there is no proof that it actually works.

People who have self administered in the belief it will cure cancer have caused damage to their non-cancerous liver and there has been no sign of improvement in their cancer.

"Our patient experienced severe hepatic dysfunction after the oral administration of fenbendazole, but no antitumor effects were observed toward her lung cancer. Although fenbendazole has promising antitumor effects, comprehensive clinical trials are required to confirm its pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability profiles in humans for future clinical applications."

I hear a lot of dangerous rubbish pedalled about as fact.  As you know many prescription drugs cannot be prescribed to everyone because the drug will cause some people more harm than good, whilst being a cure for others.  Don't believe everything you read or hear. 

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the removed answers concerned the use of bendazoles in human in which I have experience

Fenben ( actually all of them) are used for dog worm infestation which rarely occurs in man - albendazole is also used preop for echinoccus - Niridazole was used for mass treatment of schistosoma in Egypt but turned out to be too toxic

mods have a minute of madness ( again)

Gramps case - the patient poisoned herself with the wrong drug at the wrong dose

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Enbendazole For Humans !!!

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