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Waffle Game - 13/09

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seekeerz | 01:14 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
31 Answers

This is a horror, today - I'm going off to think about it - Good Luck 🐨



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#waffle966 streak: 280🦿
13:10 Fri 13th Sep 2024
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Perserverer - I'm in awe - 🫢 

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In fact I'm in awe of anyone who managed one star, let alone all of you who managed five stars 🌟 

I'm inclined to agree that is an amazing streak. Wasn't their someone recently that lost a fantastic streak. 

I'd stick to the hob-nobs excuse... in hob-nobs we can trust.

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Yes, and now I can't remember who it was ....🤔🧐

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Too true 😘

a bit like yourself Xx 

My secret (cheat?) is to work out on paper what has to end up where, before I start to move any letters, and I doubt I'm the only one who does this.

Incidentally I had a spell in hospital early in the year when I didn't attempt the puzzle at all on some days and I don't think my streak got broken.

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I do hope you are now quite recovered, perserverer, and I don't think your method is in any way 'cheating' - sounds more like common sense to me and one I should adopt very quickly....and thank you for the hint. 🤗🐨

 All the best Perseverer. That's the way I work it out not always correct the tip was given to me by Mi ol' love spud Ozzy and working out two words at once as I got better. Looking at the original grid.

Seekeerz did yours start with a coulered misplaced letters in the shape of a plus sign. 


#waffle966 5/5


🔥 streak: 29
🥈 #wafflesilverteam

Sorry, seekz 🤭 😘

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Waffle Game - 13/09

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