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Spectator No. 2671

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 12:57 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
26 Answers

Reptiles into devouring a torso? (6) R??ORS 

Feast I seethed about includes crustless pie (6) E???IA 




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30d G.B. Shaw

1d Aristophenes

40a Snood

JohnPiper, it's 'sod' that equals 'seethe'. The  Chambers entry for Sod actually sends you straight to Seethe.

Agreed, but where does the A come from? Is it just understood as in  A(n) ' I'  from pIe?


Do you have a copy of Chamber's Crossword Dictionary? That's what I used. 1D is a single word and 30D is 2 words (1st word a common abbreviation).

Thank you

Did not know that word!


JP, I think the A must come from the 'about' in the clue? I didn't know it as an abbreviation, but it's mentioned in Bradford's Crossword Dictionary.

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Spectator No. 2671

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