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Farleigh Hospice Food And Drink

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Grannypam | 14:35 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

73 )Gate tube? (8)

62) Poetic gate (7,3)

61) Arab in the dairy? (4,5)

any help? all anwsers are either Food or Drink Thanks




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61. Milk shake (sounds like sheikh)

62 Cottage pie - anagram

73 Baguette - also anagram

Question Author

Thanks to you all, there seems to be an awful lot of anagrams this year but I hadn't spotted those.Grannypam

Grannypam, always worth checking for anagrams if the number of letters in the clue equals the required answer length.

Good luck.

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Farleigh Hospice Food And Drink

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