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Am Looking For Furniture

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jennyjoan | 06:43 Wed 06th Apr 2016 | Shopping & Style
11 Answers
I am looking for maybe leather furniture but would like the arms really really high all the ones I have views seem to have cushions/arms at side too low nearly aligning with the seating. No I want high arms as I have to use high cushions for comfortability.


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The only one I can sit comfortably on for any length of time is a straight backed dining room chair. I slouch on any others and aggravate my sciatica.
I wonder why some posted links in AB open up in a different tab whilst others apparently no different redirect the tab one was on ? Maybe it's an attempt to get folk to inadvertently close AB thinking one is closing a newly opened tab.

Having looked at the Google selection few seem that high armed. Normal height I'd say. Google should try harder.
Have a look at DFS. I recently bought a leather-look sofa and chairs from there, with high arms and back - after searching almost every furniture store locally - to accommodate both mine and OH's needs.
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clover - do you not think DFS furniture seating "hard" as in they use too hard a foam.

Think that's another good suite in your link Sandy in Mirfield. Looked that up - it is in West Yorkshire.

Do need to sit on it to see if it would suit me.
Or on here. They might be too modern for you, these and the Heal's link I sent you.
Jenny, no I don't find them hard at all. I was surprised at how comfy the seats are.
The only thing I'm not so keen on is that they squeak when you move, but that seems to have got better over time, and is probably due to the fabric not the filling.
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love the high arms but have sat on those buttoned sofas - they are truly like bricks. thanks for the other suggestions.
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