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Lying Moron Donald Trump Doubles Down On Lies

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douglas9401 | 11:56 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | News
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Can this man keep a thought in his head for more than 30 seconds?



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... for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive...

when asked if he wanted Ukraine or Russia to win their ongoing conflict – Trump refused to side with either,

Trump doesnt want an American presence in Europe which is kinda odd if you want to make Ameruica great again. More concerned about  the pacific rim - nearer

Besides axing tax on worker’s tips, in an attempt to win more votes Trump plans to axe tax on overtime pay.

If I was an employer in the US, all my employees would be on a 1 hour a week contract, with any time worked over this paid tax free (as overtime).


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Lying Moron Donald Trump Doubles Down On Lies

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