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ToraToraTora | 10:11 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

Why are these boat people 99% men?



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Out of all those who have made the crossing from a safe country to the place where the streets are paved with gold, 8 is only a drop in the ocean. 

Maybe the women have more sense?

Anyway, as a great man once said, 'no big deal'.

//Why are these boat people 99% m//

Just the vanguard - extended families to follow...

//An investigation has been opened by the Boulogne-sur-mer public prosecutor's office.//


What's to investigate?   It's Groundhog Day.

Didnt the Mayor of Calais not blame us Brits for the problem?As i remember he said we give these men(and its mostly men)too much help when they get here?Luxury hotels,free money,free everything.At least when Rwanda was mentioned we got rid of a lot of these to ROI where they welcome refugees(supposedly).

And imaginary children back in the homeland to claim benefits for but it just wouldn't be fair to question whether or not the chief claimant really does have 18 children, even though his wife is only 16 years old.

Tis was about 8pm last night, I was watching HM Coastguard circling around on flight radar, Theres a drone just off the coast of France at the moment, all these refugees welcome do gooders have blood on their hands

Another aircraft is now circling around

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webbo: Yes they should definately stop the RNLI and Border farce ferry service.

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10:23 yes he's correct.

HM Coastguard are now circling, near the french coast

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