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Strictly Last Night

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naomi24 | 10:18 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

What a racket!  I'd forgotten how noisy it is.  I couldn't stand to listen to it so turned it off  What is with the mass hysteria?



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Never seen this pap for the masses.

^Oh, well done you. Did it take much effort to not watch it?

Another import from the USA?

Everything from music to sport to encouraging someone has to be at maximum volume with the screeching effect of nails down a blackboard.

For goodness sake calm down!, You'll give yourself a stroke or something! you mean the show? If so, Strictly is the was imported to the US. 

I think this series could be quite funny. Chris had me laughing, the Welsh guy seems a good laugh and Toyah might be quite irreverent. 

I just watched the Amy Dowden and cancer programme which was quite touching.

It's no secret that they have been practising for the past few weeks - I read that Nick Knowles has already lost 2 stones over the past six weeks.

I saw it a couple of times when on holiday back in UK, so before 2015.  I was staying with my sister and she liked it.  I thought it was dire then and I've not watched it since - but I can't avoid the trailers, news items etc. - and you are saying that it is even worse?

I meant the screaming etc is a US import, not Strictly. Unfortunately our American cousins tend to be a bit OTT about stuff!

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