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I Can't Be Doing With Connections

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sandyRoe | 19:56 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Wordle, Strands, and Waffle, I can solve more often than not, but Connections, with its Americanisms, is beyond me.

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I like it. I'd prefer it if the rules were the same as on the tv show Only Connect, where you have free guesses until you've got two groups.

You'd prefer to have free guesses? One fewer than the four we have now then...

Today the clues got me! Too many Americanisms.

Quordle and Spelling Bee can be fun too.

Connections is not much fun.

Connections drives me potty sometimes. Often a complete fail but my name is Barry and I'm a Connections addict.  :(  

They all leave me totally baffled!

It is the Americanisms that make it harder but yesterday's just clicked with me and I got the "perfect" rather than the "next time".

The pure Americanisms do irritate me and I sometimes just get the 4th group by default without knowing the connection,

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Part of a septet was the link to one the other day.

I couldn't see it

Wasn't that today sandy!

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I was doing it in the early hours when I couldn't sleep.


Sorry if I've ruined it for anyone 

I gave up on Connections a while ago for the same reason. The Americanisms are too much and the connections just a bit too cryptic for me. It's not fun.

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I Can't Be Doing With Connections

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