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Everyman 4065 21D

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phinda | 00:05 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Everyman 4065

21down parse please





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Eras (historical periods) (com)e (togethe)r = eraser

In spite of its name phinda, not every one has access to Everyman, so please provide the clue with your questions just in case toorak can't answer or isn't around.

Canary - Everyman (and other guardian crosswords) is accessible vie the guardian crossword site with no paywall

Thanks toorak.

I still think it would be better to provide the clue.

I agree 😁

Point in case the clue to 21d) in Everyman 4065 is:

Unusual powerful chesspiece, itself taking its own knight (5)

The solution was "queer" parsed as queen less n (knight another chesspiece) + R (for the queen itself)

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Everyman 4065 21D

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