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The Repair Shop

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renegadefm | 22:20 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

I don't agree that the BBC should not broadcast the new series of The Repair Shop just because Jay Blades is being accused of being controlling. 


It's not fair on viewers who love the show like I do to be denied it. 


If he was a pedophile I could understand it, but what a waste of a great show. 




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The BBC had already wrung just about every last drop out of The Repair Shop - something they always do with shows that become popular.

I, for one, will not miss Blades swanning around taking credit for the work of those who had actually done the repairs.  Good riddance.

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I disagree, I think its the only sane thing on tele or one of them. 

Look at what they have done to Strictly, its un watchable now. 

No doubt they'll repeat it umpteen times when the dust settles.

If they broadcast anything with JB, they would be shot down in flames by the rest of the hypocritical media and no doubt also by several of the more sanctimonius folk on here (a few of whom are relentlessly anti-BBC).

It's not being removed from the iplayer, so hop over there until they've had a chance to make a new series without him. 

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I have to say I really do love the show. It helps so many people, and its so touching to see their reactions. And the skill is amazing. 

I hope they just get a replacement soon, rather than axe it. 

It wouldn't feel right letting Jay Blades take the show down with him. 

They don't need to replace him, there has been many episodes without him and he isn't missed.

In any case, the BBC doesn't make The Repair Shop, it is made by Ricochet who owns the rights to it. If the BBC decides not to continue with it, another channel will.

The final straw was when he was in the Green Room ( rest room for actors) - he said: curtain up in five: I had better get the slap on - - - - um slang for make up

and then pointing to an old jalloppy

" That old girl, I am going to have to fix the brakes"

I am a bad person - sorry

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