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Should The Government Consider Reintroducing A Role...

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sandyRoe | 12:19 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

...that the Lord Chancellor used to perform?

I'm thinking of theatre censorship as the pantomime season approaches.  What harm has been done to generations of  children watching attractive young women playing the male hero, usually wearing tights and engaging in lots of thigh slapping?

Then there are the men in drag.  Need I say more?

What was considered an innocent family treat could have undermined the very fabric of our society.



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I agree Sandy. Every xmas I came out of the panto totally confused as to my gender. 🤣🤣🤣
12:28 Tue 17th Sep 2024

and another factoid - Count Dandini ( no not countess Dandini) is always played by a leading girl, and the character does NOT appear in the story - only panto.

The version I saw with Les Dawson - he made the most vulgar gestures towards the Count - most un-mimsy !

brrrrr ( gesture of righteous disgust)

such as putting his nose / snout near the Count's chest and making rutting noises

Quite disgusting - bring back censorship now  !

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