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Britain Is Now The Sick Man Of Europe.

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gulliver1 | 12:19 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | News
25 Answers

A new report into the health of the UK shows a huge rise in the number of Brits off work due to long-term illness . Researchers point to a stark increase in people who have been missing from work since 2020.Did they all jump on the rear end carriage of the Covid Gravy Train Is the UK now the most unhealthiest Country in EUROPE  looks like it to me.




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Without a link its lies

"So NJ,a yes or no reply is the only one requested.Did the SNP MPs go into the Thatcherite lobby,and eventually endorse Thatcherism?Yes or no?"

I'm afraid I can't comply wih your one word restriction because my answer is "I've absolutely no idea." I imagine, from the way you posed the question, the answer is yes.

However, Mrs Thatcher was "propelled to power" by the result of the 1979 GE. In that election, the Conservatives won only 22 of the 71 Scotttish seats and were returned with a majority of 43 at Westminster. Had they won no seats at all in Scotland, they would have been just one short of an overall majority.  However, since he Labour total included The Speaker (who doesn't vote in divisions) and one Independent [Irish] Republican (who did not take his seat) I imagine she would have endured.

I don't know how much influence the SNP had over the Tories winning those seats, but I would imagine, assuming they contested all 71 seats in Scotland, they would have been rather more eager for their candidates to win those seats.

The main people responsible for TGL getting in are the loony left and union commies of the 60s and 70s. They where the disease she was the cure.

@19.33.Up here in Scotland the SNP were known as the Tartan Tories after their espousal of Thatcherism.What gets me is a lot of SNP voters up here in Scotland are unaware of their partys enablement of Thatcher.

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Britain Is Now The Sick Man Of Europe.

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