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Pedestrianising Oxford Street

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smurfchops | 22:08 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | News
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Where will all the buses go??



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They'll be mothballed until needed as advertising hoardings showing messages that they don't, errrr, show.

Buses struggle to get along Oxford Street already! (It's usually quicker to walk from one end to the other than it is to take a bus).

The obvious diversion is along the A5204 (Seymour Street / Wigmore Street), which runs parallel to Oxford Street.

There are quite a few "pedestrianised" roads in the UK which still allow buses and taxis.

^^^ Oxford Street is currently one of them, Canary42. 

However, with half a millon pedestrians per day using Oxford Street, buses and taxis struggle to get through the crowds.

I certainly haven't found it quicker to walk; the only things that slow buses down are more buses and traffic lights. I don't know if they plan to keep allowing cross traffic.

But the short answer would be Wigmore St.

I think it's a good idea. Last time I was there you had to queue to walk along the pavement.

Who gives a toss? That London - pffft🙄

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Pedestrianising Oxford Street

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