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I had a look at a website that lists the declarations by MPs.

Is doesn't give totals but looking only at, "Gifts, benefits and hospitality" I found amounts or gifts in kind totalling just under £209,000 given to Johnson in the period ftom December 2019 to March 25 2023.

The current PM has a way to go yet to even match Johnson.



And he's yet to shoulder-charge a child.

has he blown £53mill on any non-existent bridges yet?

Nice try at diversion jno, this is about gifts and how Twotierkier the good socialist is grafting the system.

// I found amounts or gifts in kind totalling just under £209,000 given to Johnson in the period ftom December 2019 to March 25 2023.//

Nice try too, but the periods are somewhat different are they not. Odd such a pedant as yourself would do this, or is it ok if its protecting/diverting from what the far left are doing?

Thecorbyloon.  It took Johnson over 3 years to receive gifts of £209,000 yet Starmer has received half that amount in just over 2 months.  He is well on the way to beating Johnson in less than 6 months.

LOL. Starmer is neither a good socialist or far left.

You need a trip to Specsavers, gramps. SKS has received these 'gifts' since December 2019 - as it says in the link.

Just rang specsavers and have an appointment at 11 o'clock.  My apologies.

I was there yesterday, gramps. Staff very helpful and polite 😉

I know Canary, it was sarcasm.

To be honest I have no clue waht Slimer is.  Just seems to be for himself but then being a sleazy lawyer its whats expected I suppose.

I wonder what the hundreds of Labour MPs think of this.


Perhaps letters should go in to their version of the 1922 committee.


YMB, "Nice try too, but the periods are somewhat different are they not."

The periods are different since for Johnson, it ended in March last year so it was a shorter period but nearly twice as much as Starmer still.


"...but Johnson received nearly twice as much as Starmer still."

I wonder what Ms Rayner thinks of all this. She's no fan of her boss.

Acccording to today's Express Raynor has been given £2K worth of clothes. Mind you her wearing something would put most people of wearing it on the "If you wear these clothes you'll look like me" argument.

After all the relentless Boris-bashing I'd like to think our new Prime Minister has learnt lessons - but apparently not.  Maybe he's just a slow learner.

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So Boris 3 years: 209K, approx £70k per year.

Kneel: 10 weeks 100k, approx £520k per year.

Boris was a complete amateur in comparison.

TORATORATORA, "Kneel: 10 weeks 100k, approx £520k per year."

Are you sure you're in Mensa??????

From your link "the prime minister has declared more gifts and freebies than any other MP, with his total in gifts, benefits, and hospitality topping £100,000 *****since December 2019.*****" [emphasis added]


TTT, read your own link. The timescale for Starmer's freebies began when he became leader of the Labour Party back in 2019. Which would make it approx £20K per year.

It's quite clear that besides not reading your own links (just the headlines, presumably), you don't even read the replies to your posts. 🙄

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Looks Like The P M Is Out Borising Boris......

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