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Coloured Blobs

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Canary42 | 05:15 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers

We seem to be bombarded nowadays with threads of coloured blobs, which becomes very detrimental to "Latest Posts" by crowding out  meaningful questions.

At the time of writing these cases comprise 66% of LP. 

Can we either eliminate these cases from LP, or (as I have repeatedly requested in the past) increase the length of the LP list ?



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Longer list, more blobs.

Doesn't really matter anyway, seems to be about twenty folk left.

I can't see any coloured blobs :-(

I think he's talking about the Wordle threads.

Oh, thanks Tilly, that makes sense, the square things.

I may be wrong, Prudie.

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Coloured Blobs

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