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Biscuits And Cookies

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rgt1964 | 15:07 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

A backward sheep in other words   5

This biscuit separates from the packet     9

This city is initially in Europe    6

Bread shaped     5



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1 Marie?
15:10 Fri 02nd Aug 2024

1 Marie?

3 Vienna?

2 Breakaway?

6 Baton?

I think the bread shaped one is HOVIS

I dont think Vienna is the answer, there are biscuits called Viennese Whirls, and Viennese fingers but nothing for just Vienna. I too am struggling with this one


I've just foud a biscuit called a Linzer, named after Linz in Austria, but I'm not sure it fits in with the clue


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