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They Used To Sell A Tin Of Cadbury Roses Which..

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sandyRoe | 12:37 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

... weighed about 6lb.

How much would that weight of chocolates cost today.

I think they're not what they were, more toffee now.



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isnt there a phrase for this ( not price gouging - that is putting up a price because the area is flooded)

same price fewer lighter sweeties

and yes I think every one does it - reaction to inflation

Its known as "shrinkflation", same price for a reduction in size or contents.

As far as I recall the largest size tin was 2lb.

Today a 1lb tub of Roses is £4.50. £27 for 6lb 


Further recall may be required, there's an empty tin for sale on Ebay marked as 2kg.

Great!  There is a 2kg of Quality St (complete with chocolates) on the website for £48.99 so some bigger tins are still made


We actually have an empty Roses tin (dated 2001) which sold holding 2 kg including wraps.

Also, a similar Quality Street tin (dated 1991) which held 5 lb.

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I went off the chewy ones when a toffee lifted two adjacent fillings from my teeth.

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They Used To Sell A Tin Of Cadbury Roses Which..

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