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Private Eye Crossword 787

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Nitwit63 | 14:20 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

Archer's telease



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Letter count please ?

I think the clue was longer, and I think the answer was Shaft (what an archer releases)...


The whole clue was...

Archer's release: 'Stuff 'em!' (5), so the answer Shaft is a double definition.

Canary, thanks for the confirmation of the answer I'd given!

The full clue is      Archer's release: "Stuff 'em" (5)

ooops, crossed posts 😁

Question Author

Thanks everyone. I'd tentatively put shaft as the answer and it fitted with Australia for 28 across but I can't see the logic behind that, other than it's the only word that fits and never mind that it's a country as well. 

You're welcome, glad we could help.

PS I no longer have my copy, but the  Australia clue involved Oz, slang for Australia, in the middle of the word 'boozer'. 

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Private Eye Crossword 787

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