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Has Anyone Noticed ?.

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gulliver1 | 19:05 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | Politics
10 Answers

Ever since Sir Keir Starmer and The Labour Party whipped, smashed and pummeled The Tories against the ropes onto the opposition benches in the HOC. Ab has turned nastier ? I do.



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It's been on a downward spiral for a while.


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Some might express the same opinion about those bemoaning the Brexit result...

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They didn't lose though did they, the Tory party under Richy wasn't Tory enough. Maybe take the red pill.



I don't accept that gully - I've always been nasty to you (and to one or two others)!🤣

I can't say I've noticed any change.

why was my perfectly reasonable reply deleted?

And you are still a pillock

Gully ❤boris

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