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How On Earth Did We Cope

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Canary42 | 19:19 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I've just come across an ad for an egg opener, only £10.89

All these years I've managed without one, amazing.

P.S. I'm not providing a link, no wish to enhance their sales.



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£10.89 for a teaspoon?

To be fair, posh restaurants have been using them for many, many decades (possibly since Victorian times?).  So they're hardly new! 

£10.89 would appear to be one of the cheaper prices too!

Remember in Gulliver's Travels - first stop there was eternal civil war between the Big endians and Little endians

Meant to show the tedium of political life 1700-10

Is that for raw or cooked?

Cooked, opening an uncooked egg these days can result in four months in chokey.

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I stupidly bought one - doesn't work ☹️

have you tried switching it off then on again, Toorak?

Toorak what do you mean it doesn't work, what happens when you use it?

Canary surely this is for cooked eggs, not uncooked?? Either way I've never heard of one let alone used one lol.

It made a hole in her ping pong ball.

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How On Earth Did We Cope

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