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23 Across/Down Cyclops 787. Please Help

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watersa | 02:44 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

cyclops 787

As usual, I need help to finish this. most grateful for anoyone's help.

23 ac - 'Old man, source of unlikely tips for Trump types' I have


Also, 23 dn - ??a?? 'son needs taking in hand - one of David's?' 

And lastly 29 ac ??n???t? 'Cyclops is backed in Tory rebellion (smaller faction)



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23a populists (Trump types) = pop (old man) + u(nlikely,source) + lists (tips)
03:00 Fri 20th Sep 2024

29a Minority (smaller faction) = Mi (i'm, cyclops is backed) +in tory (anagram)

23d Psalm (one of David's)= S(on) in palm(hand)

23a populists (Trump types) = pop (old man) + u(nlikely,source) + lists (tips)

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thanks so much. once i'd typed these i got psalm and populists but thanks for all 3! 

That often happens! You're most welcome, watersa!

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23 Across/Down Cyclops 787. Please Help

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