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Has Anyone Noticed ?.

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gulliver1 | 19:05 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | Politics
20 Answers

Ever since Sir Keir Starmer and The Labour Party whipped, smashed and pummeled The Tories against the ropes onto the opposition benches in the HOC. Ab has turned nastier ? I do.



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It's been on a downward spiral for a while.


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Some might express the same opinion about those bemoaning the Brexit result...

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They didn't lose though did they, the Tory party under Richy wasn't Tory enough. Maybe take the red pill.



I don't accept that gully - I've always been nasty to you (and to one or two others)!🀣

I can't say I've noticed any change.

why was my perfectly reasonable reply deleted?

And you are still a pillock

Gully β€boris

Has anyone noticed that pro-Labour fanatics don't like it up 'em?  You got what you wanted- slimy Starmer in power- what an incredible success he is making of it.  Same Old Labour.

To be honest i did think the Labour Party in power would be a much better government.However they seem to be just as corrupt and cash-for-cronyist as the Tories were.Does the British people deserve these aerosols governing over us?

Apparently the public get the government they deserve.

Not that they have a lot of choice.

I blame you lot.

The problem is we can only vote for those who stand for election and it would appear from this Labour  and the previous Tory Governments, that these are the very people who shouldn't be standing. This country needs a complete overhaul of the politiical system but that can only be done by the Government, who are happy with the present situation. Catch 22.

20% voted Labour - would that result in a landslide win in any other country that isn't a dictatorship?


34% of people who voted picked Labour (slightly more than under Corbin), 20% voted Tory (less than half of those who chose Boris), 12% voted LibDem 1/2%-points more, nearly 60 seats more.


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Like them or hate them You lot have got a Labour Govt for the next FIVE YEARS...So buckle up and suck it up OK.Because I'm loving this.

I coould have sworn you said they'd be in for ten years, gulliver.  Anyone would be forgiven for thinking the past couple of months have been an epithany for you.

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Ten years even better still .😎  Whoo hoo😎

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I  suppose for the really dyed in the wool Tory supporters on here, it must seem like a prison sentence to them A Sort of punishment  for the last fourteen years of faliure ..😎."Ten years of hard Labour"😎.

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