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Bbc Quiz: Week 38

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Buenchico | 20:00 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

Good evening, everyone!


I could only manage a pathetic TWO out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz this week:


I did rather better on the junior one though, with FOUR out of five:


Your turn!



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4 and 5

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Hiya, Patsy!

I see that we're a perfect match this week πŸ˜Š


Well done, Scorpiojo!

Joint top!

Ta, Chris. 😁

Started off on a roll then the wheels came off...

Main: 4/7
Jnr: 2/5

Question Author

So basically the same as me then, Arky, but in a much more grown up way, of course 😊

Both threes for me.  Pathetic.

Question Author

The same aggregate as me, anyway, Naomi!

A few that i knew and a couple of good guesses enabled a score of 6/7 in the main quiz. Message to self; pay more attention to what's happening down under.

But i couldn't match your 4 in the kid's quiz - scoring just 3/5 - there were a couple i just didn't p-pick the correct answers toπŸ˜‰


Question Author

Hi, Ken!

You're getting far too good at this lately! πŸ˜Š

Well done! Joint top!

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Bbc Quiz: Week 38

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