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Another Round Of Thuggery Due At Wembley Tonight I See

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Canary42 | 18:46 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Sport
11 Answers

But all completely harmless of course, so we're told.     




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Meh. Grown men getting paid millions to take lumps out of each other. Let them get on with it.

I don't think anyone has claimed it's harmless.

Alan Minter famaously said: "Sure there have been deaths in boxing...but none of them serious!"

To me, the most annoying thing about this boxing is if they were doing it in the street, they would get arrested.

I have always been amazed as to how this can be called 'Sport' when the sole inention of those taking part is to inflict as much physical harm as possible on each other.

Fake news

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Are you saying these fights are faked ?  Wouldn't surprise me.

Thuggery: : behaviour that is violent and illegal : the behaviour of thugs

Boxing: A contact sport, regulated and governed by rules.

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LOL Doug

Its nothing to do with anyone else if they want partake. 

So if men or women have a desire to destroy each other, by beating the opponent to a pulp, and punters wish to bet on the outcome.

Who cares, I don't, it's their choice.


 How did the thuggery at Wembley go last night?

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