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Good Morning !

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netibiza | 09:06 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Hope everyone has a great day. I'm resting as I took a tumble last night after only one wine! But at nearly 80 I am relieved to only have bruises and scratches!



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Oh dear, I hope you're okay 👍 Take it easy. 

Good morning netibiza. Didn't see any point me starting a second morning post so we'll have you in charge today lol. 
Seriously tho are you ok?? Did you fall down stairs or anything or just trip over? Either way I hope you haven't hurt yourself apart from maybe a bruise. The smallest knocks can be the most painful.

Sorry, I am late to the party this morning (just). Sorry to hear about your tumble last night Nettie, I also feel as if my balance has deteriorated in recent times. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Morning Smow and anyone else who is up and about

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Sorry Smow didn't mean to tread on your toes. Was just a way for me to get back I to the fold as I've been absent for a while .

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Good Morning !

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