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Murder at the Wedding?

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EliPledge | 09:49 Thu 02nd Sep 2004 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Posted this query on a few other TV websites but never had any joy. In 1979 (Summer I think) there was a programme on UK telly called Murder at the Wedding - I'm not sure if it was a series, a one-off, or one episode of a larger series. Anyway it involved somebody planning to muder somebody at a wedding, funnily enough. I can't recall if it was a comedy, comedy drama, or just unitentionally funny, but my sister and I for some time after could raise a laugh from each other by quoting bits from it: but now, neither her or I can remember a thing about it! can anyone else???


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There's a book called "The Drama Research Guide", published by Kaleidoscope, which covers a huge number of drama programmes (so it wasn't intentionally a comedy!). I found a list of the programmes mentioned, and "Murder at the Wedding" is in there. Try the Kaleidoscope Publishing website, although I think it's out of print. The following actors appeared (not a complete list): James Hazeldine, Gennie Nevinson, Liza Goddard, Christopher Biggins, Bryan Marshall.
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At last, a breakthrough! Thanks lookslikemilk, but when I try to access the contents of the drama Research Guide it brings up the Comedy one instead.

Murder at the wedding was a TV series. The cast included Liza Goddard, Christopher Biggins James Hazeldene.  Things will pop up on Google if you add Liza Goddard name to the search.  I remember it because the big house it was filmed at was where I grew up! The house is  in Failand near Bristol.


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Murder at the Wedding?

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