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Wheeler Dealers

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Bazile | 21:16 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
30 Answers

Is it correct that when they show Mike Brewer going to look at a car and test driving it and then negotiating a price with the seller - it's all acting ?

Because the car has been inspected and bought already 



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I wish Car SOS would tell us the labour hours involved. I know it's not about the money but I'd be interested to know

btw - I've heard it said that on Wheeler Dealers the sale of the car is also rigged. Goes to one of the crew or family.

Dave, true to a point. Some are sold at auction.  Check the reg on Vehicle Smart or similar and look at the tax status and MOT history. It can be a revelation 

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I guess you're all going to tell me that ' Salvage Hunters - classic cars ' is the same deception as WD

dunno - could be

Salvage Hunters - sometimes they drive 100s of miles but only seem to make 2 or 3 purchases. Surely that can't be profitable (except for the TV fees).

I've never watched Salvage Hunters

dunno how you missed it Barry - it's on about 50 times a week!

I've seen it listed on the onscreen guide but never been tempted 

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