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Number Of Sharp Points

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Bazile | 22:49 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | How it Works
36 Answers

''Does knife blade have more than two sharp points ?            ( Other than sharp point on the cutting edge of the blade near the handle )''

1.Does that mean just one  sharp point on the cutting edge near the handle OR it can be more  than one sharp point on the cutting edge near the handle ?

2. Does the cutting edge include the part from the handle which is not sharp ,before the sharp part starts ?





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That looks fine to me, more of an ornamental peice that what they are looking for. Even the main "point" isn't really a point, what else did you think may be a point? Bottom right looks like a small chip was ground out many years ago. I'd be happy keeping that:


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I can't open the link for some reason 

Can someone please repost the picture itself  so I can see how it looks on here ?

I saved and reloaded your picture:


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Strangest thing .

I click the link - then for a second it shows some dots rotating , then it stops and it brings up a page with ibb info , but does not display the image 

but it's your picture, surely you have it on your PC anyway?

Bazile, your original link opens OK for me.

can you see the link to my knife?

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I have the picture on my phone . I just want to see how clear the picture is on the site 

are you looking at imagbb on your phone too? If so why would it be any different? Try using a PC.

All I can see is a machete - which is not a knife but a bladed weapon and has no real purpose ouside a sugar-plantation or mangrove swamp.

can you see the picture I posted above?

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TTT , I can see the pictures you posted using 'tinyurl' but not the one you posted using ' ibb'

tinyurl is from the net. Imgbb are uploaded I suspect you need a PC to get that to work.

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 Just to clarify what he is  concerned about is the bottom right of the blade  near the handle where there is a dip ( which he doesn't recall grounding out ) whether the dip is forming a point or a serration ?

Also he wants to know if the little chips along the cutting edge of the blade ( zooming in will show them  ) are classed as serrations or points ?

No problem with either I'd say. The knife is clearly not designed as a "zombie" knife. There are a few un even chips, clearly not points or serrations. The slight curve bottom right if not ground out is probably part of the original construction. I think that is fine.

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Number Of Sharp Points

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