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Border Farce To Get Pay Rise

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webbo3 | 17:58 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

Home Office staff get inflation-busting pay deals as high as 9.1%

The back hole gets bigger, incompetence is rewarded



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"The back hole gets bigger" you say?

Trebles all round and bottoms up.

And still the illegals keep coming.

This government is a bad joke.

They should dock their wages for every invader they bring to the UK.

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I wonder if border farce and the RNLI get fined for each illegal immigrant they bring in lie lorry drivers do.

Perhaps it is just the Mail report is so badly written, but that report does not make any sense.

// The department in charge of overseeing the small boats crisis informed officials last week of their pay awards for 2024-2025. //

Eh? The Border Force tell somebody they will get a 9% increase, and then it happens? I fear the Mail is misleading you all.

should be paid on how many are sent back or drowned...either side of the Enlish Channel-La Manche border line....

I adopted an enclave principle. I cannot stop the foolishness, so I try to ignore it.

Obviously *** best ignored until we know the facts.

Surely any rise should be tied to productivity. The more returned to France the better the end of year bonus.

I read an interview with a man who'd come from Calais in one of the small boat.  He said Starmer's idea of 'smashing the gangs' is laughable.   

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