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Sous Vide

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Canary42 | 00:20 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
3 Answers

Not wishing to hijack the "what can't you cook" thread I'm starting a new one with my query.

This is something I've only just come across, and I would like to know how it differs from (is better or worse than) slow-cooker technique.

Any comments ?



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Completely different.  Slow cooker is good for soups and stews.

Sous vide is great for individual cuts of meat.  With sous vide the water bath cooks the food at a constant temp and it does not over cook.  For a medium rare rump steak, you would cook at 54.4 for 2 hours upto around 4.  I cooked a beef brisket sous vide for about 14 hours for pulled beef and it was perfect. 

You need to be able to vacuum pack your food before cooking in a water bath.  (For that you do not need anything fancy).  You can prepare meals in advance, vacuum seal them and then cook in the water bath.  I use the sous vide more than I do the slow cooker, but for very different things.

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OK, thanks barmaid. I've got a vacuum sealer which at the moment I rarely use, so I must give it a try.

Incidentally I have done lamb shank in slow cooker and it was delicious.

I also cook some joints of meat like lamb shank, lamb shoulder, brisket, chine in the slow cooker. 

I've never thought about sous vide and would like to hear more about it.

What equipment do you use, Barmaid, and what do you cook with it?

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Sous Vide

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