how do i rid my pet and home of fleas in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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how do i rid my pet and home of fleas

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manguard | 07:44 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
my pet dog has fleas, they are also in the home..carpets furniture etc...all the sites i can find are usa based and so cant get the products advertised by them.
can anyone advise please..how can i kill the fleas.
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Try this link and go for Frontline spot on for your pets and then acclaim 2000 for the house this hould do the trick for you
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hello clair.
ty for replying..it really is getting too much with these insects ... ive tried (almost) everything

where do i get acclaim2000 from ?
Either your vet or any of the vet pharmacy sites - the one clair mentioned, or vet-medic pharmacy, or canine chemists. If it is really bad some of the bigger pet stores sell a sort of 'bomb' that youl eave in a room and let off, and it smokes out all the litte b*ggers.

I always find the Frontline spray is better than the 'spot on'
for killing the first influx of fleas. This is only available from the vet though, as it is prescription only.
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i tried the " flea bomb" as you said...it smoked the room but hardly had any effect...i did vac up later..tho and did see some fleas....
i understand this wont work while the fleas are in the larvae stage( 2 weeks) only when they hatch will it work ...
so ill do it again around 2 weeks time...its costing a fortune for these treatments..... flea bombs are around �4:00 each plus shampoos.....
all i can do is keep treating the dog and home. ill keep you posted.
Frontline for the dogs and get a spray from the vet. Much stronger that over the counter products. Spray carpets, furniture and also dogs bedding.
frontline combo, ivets have it and not only will it kill the fleas on your dog, it will kill fleas on any furniture, carpets etc that your dog comes in contact with, dont try any of the other frontline products as there has found to be resistance in fleas to them. you need to make sure that your dog does not get wet for 24 hours after the application of it though. it ill last a month. if you have any more problems with feas during this time you need to contact frontline or novartis for further help and advice.
I have just recently set up a forum talking about the dog

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