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Would It Be Economical To Load Tankers With Water In Canada...

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sandyRoe | 11:00 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

...and transport it to parched California?



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It might not be so parched if they reduced the amount of water that is used to water golf courses


What, permanently ?

If a land is parched it may be better to move your agriculture and other water relient activities elsewhere instead.

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An American presidential candidate has proposed this to ease the chronic water shortages in California.  Not the tankers but some sort of pipeline.

Probably just another crazy idea from the Donald.

I don't think it would be "economical" in the sense that it would save or generate more cash than it would cost. No.

It might be a more financial benefit to the Canadians.

The shortest distance between Canada and California is about 600 miles, so a pipeline doesn't seem very feasible either.

Why don't they just lasso an iceberg and ride it down to the south ?

Another quiet northern neighbour having natural resources plundered by a wasteful, entitled country to the south.

I wonder what would be cheaper, a 600 mile pipeline to bring water in or a 2000 mile wall to keep people out?

There is a gas line that runs under the north sea from Norway to UK - 725 miles.

A water pipe must be safer and easier for a long term solution 

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But the Mexicans are going to pay for that wall, aren't they?

Only when their careers as rapists end though.

There is a gas line that runs under the north sea from Norway to UK - 725 miles.

There is a view that the Nordsteam gas pipeline was blown by the Ukrainians so that the West cd practise what it was like for Russia to turn off the gas

A water pipe must be safer and easier for a long term solution 

cost a lot more to pump tho'

see the complete mess AB made of Hagen Poiseuille

Strange isn't it..  almost half the population in Latin america and the carribean have been, and continue to live with severe water shortages, Africa and drought is of course well documented, but as soon as the luvvies and beautiful people in california have a slight problem all sorts of money no object, and radical solutions start to be found.  

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As Canada is north of the USA the Donald might think gravity would carry the water downhill.

There is enough leftie wets in California to solve the problem.

not tankers but I am surprised the richest state in the union doesn't have a system of culverts channelling water to it from the areas of higher rainfall.

12:09...there is an old saying..."nothing ever gets done until the effluent hits the affluent" - probably first coined in the great stink in London 1858.

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