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The Woke Manifesto.

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Khandro | 12:38 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
3 Answers

First, online platform Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov is arrested on his arrival in Paris. Next, Lula da Silva’s Supreme Court cronies ban X in Brazil. And then Minnesota’s Democratic Attorney General Keith Ellison posts (on X, naturally): ‘Thanks, Brazil’. This is the moment Bill Clinton’s secretary of labor, Robert Reich, chooses to declare Elon Musk ‘out of control’ and that America should ‘stop him’. 

Meanwhile, Keir Starmer’s Labour government begins scouring social media sites with the intention of arresting people who share ‘harmful’ footage of the latest riots in the UK. Starmer finishes the week with an ominous warning to the British people: ‘Think before you post.’ Might there be a pattern here



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Think before you post-it's great advice for anyone.

we'll be getting a lick of the cat for using the wrong pronouns next!

Given the fact that our overcrowded prisons are spewing detritus back to our streets early, where are they going to lock up these latter-day thought criminals?

As for Sir Keir, he can bite me.

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The Woke Manifesto.

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