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Sibsey Bowls Club Cd 30/9

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saintstim | 12:31 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Can anyone give me a clue for Question 26. 

The answer will contain eith BI, AS or ED

Issue -7 letters.     There are 30 questions and each letter combination should be in 10 of the answers . I do have an answer in mind but that would give me 11 with ED and only 9 with BI.. Thanks for any help



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I can't think of a word with 'bi' that would fit the clue. Hopefully someone can!

Are you confident of your all other 'ed' answers?


How many do you have on the AS questions?

Can you post a few of your ED qns/answers that you are not totally convinced of?

26 release

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Thank you. That gives me something to think about.

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Sibsey Bowls Club Cd 30/9

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