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Which Top For Next Weekend?

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abbeylee90 | 16:49 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
36 Answers



If you want to criticise don't comment because I have asked others aswell



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the red one

Bottom-right red top & straight hair.

Yes bottom left ,  straight hair. The others are too tarty


Sorry bottom right 😄

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I would also have gone for 'bottom right, straight hair'.  Of the 2 new ones - I prefer the r. hand one.

Have you got all these clothes Abby?

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I think you are asking the wrong group of people.

the average age must be about 60 and those tops would look better on a 20 something.

Perhaps Abbey looks like a 20 something.  She's only 31.

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Or this BTW I got a code for new look.

Is it your leaving do ?

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No colleagues 

the one that has no holes in it

god the 'new look' looks reall tarty

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That one and red leopard print doesn't have any holes.

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Which Top For Next Weekend?

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