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Celebrities With Celebrity Parents

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naomi24 | 13:56 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
63 Answers

I've just found out that food critic, Jay Rayner, is the son of now deceased agony aunt Claire Rayner.   I know Claudia Winkleman is the daughter of journalist Eve Pollard,  Tom Parker-Bowles is Queen Camilla's son, and obviously actor and presenter Barney Walsh is Bradley's son, but can you think of any more?



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George W Bush, son of George Bush.

Jesus Christ (miracle performer) was the son of God (Creator of everything in 7 days)

Graham Hill & Damon Hill

Keke Rosberg & Nico Rosberg

George Bush, George W Bush


The Kennedy clan in USA.

Bobby Brazier son of Jade Goody deceased.

 Blimey Johnny.5 - that took some typing! (Or cut n paste lol)

Fab post btw naomi! 😄

Smowball - and he didn't even mention Jacob Marley, partner of Scrooge.

Samuel West son of Timothy West and Prunella Scales

Nancy Sinatra and Frank Sinatra.

Kate Beckinsale, daughter of Richard Beckinsale and Judy Loe; half sister of Samantha Beckinsale; stepdaughter of Roy Battersby

Linus Roache from Law and Order is son of Bill Roache from Coronation St

Dakota Johnson ... daughter of Don Johnson

Mariska Hargitay who plays Olivia Benson in Law and Order SVU is daughter of Jayne Mansfield

Joe Tracini son of Joe Pasquale

Angelina Jolie and dad Jon Voight

Lily Collins (actress)  .. daughter of Phil Collins

Gary Oldman and sister Laila Morse (Big Mo from Eastenders)

Tony Curtis and Jamie Lee Curtis

Nicole Richie (reality actress)  ... daughter of Lionel Richie

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