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Where Would You Think A Labour Chancellor Would Get And Easy Ride?

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ToraToraTora | 12:26 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
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Labour members are not so easily bought as their Tory opposites. Neither are they cowed by empty threats from free suits.

I'm not surprised.  She deserves all she gets.

Hypocritical unfit for office and it just goes on I had no sympathy for the last lot these are proving they are equally incompetent,and still the boats are coming,no charges yet for the Manchester police attackers perhaps local community leaders are still working on it.

I get tired of stating the obvious - Keir Starmer is not Labour (and my suspicion that he is a Tory plant to destroy the party from the inside just won't go away).

P.S. As also stated before, I did not vote Labour at the last GE because of my already-expressed doubts about Starmer.

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You owned up to voting Labour on one of my threads a few weeks ago canary.

So Labour is not Labour & the Tories are not Tories! What the heck are we voters supposed to think? It's just a stitch up to keep the career politicos on the gravy train.

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This is real Labour a vast difference from New Labour. Canary must have forgotten the 70s, this is text book real Labour. Starmer is not a tory plant he's proper labour leader in the old mould.

Canary, I have to agree with TTT on this. I remember the 1970s (and late '60s) very well - this does have the horrible feeling of deja-vu and the Kafka-esque whirlpool which prevailed.

I was quite horrified when it dawned on me that the class war was back with a vengeance; I honestly thought that that was a thing of the past and that Labour had matured into accepting that they represented society as a whole.  Very alarming to say the least.

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did you vote Labour Jourdain?

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Where Would You Think A Labour Chancellor Would Get And Easy Ride?

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