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Sibsey Bowls Club Autumn Quiz 30 September

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Leecon | 17:27 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Oh no, I asked this a while ago today, but I can't find the post anywhere??

I'll try again - Help please as I'm really struggling!

28. Hack (8) It's a place name in the UK ending in TON. The 8 letters include the TON

Likewise Q30. Prickle (10) includes the TON

Also Q11. Dennis, Grant, Gaitskell (7)  I know they're all Hugh but I can't find a Hughton in the UK. Any ideas please :o)



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28 Coughton
17:33 Mon 23rd Sep 2024

28 Coughton

11 There is a 'Hughton' listed here in the Scottish Highlands but I can't find any details relating to it.

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Thank you Toorak. I was completely along the wrong line of thinking with hacking as in chopping or horses 😂

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... and Thank you Captain2 too!

That'll do me, at least I've seen the word now. I searched but couldn't even find it, so thank you :o)

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Any ideas on Q30... ...Prickle ?



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Netherfield, thank yoqu so much :o)

Sorry for the delay, we've just had a roast dinner 😋

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Sibsey Bowls Club Autumn Quiz 30 September

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