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Good Morning Early Birds!

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Smowball | 07:26 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

From a dark, damp, grey morning - Happy Birthday  to me lol! And Thanku for the lovely Birthday thread started by Hazlinny - you lot are the very first people to say H.B to me lol.  And unless MrSmow has a major surprise up his sleeve then it looks like being a normal Tuesday. Thats ok - I can share it with you lot! : ) : ) : )

As long as I don't get given the bumps lol!!

So a hot cup of tea just made, cats fed, I really must stop all this excitement! LOL.



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Morning smow, happy birthday to you.  

Morning all.  Same old drudgery today - I've been out already, the dustmen have been. 

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Thanks Naomi x

Barry - yep bin day here too. Woo hoo ! LOL

Good morning Smow and all. Its a normal tuesday for us here as well, its grey skies but at least its not raining. Some of the lanes were a bit flooded on sunday but seem to have improved.

Have a happy day everyone😀

Morning Smow, happy birthday. Quite bright here but at least it isn't raining, might even see if I can get some washing done. I must admit I am getting quite fed up with the weather, not knowing wether I am coming or going. Still as they say: What can't be cured must be endured.

Sun is just appearing but for how long?  Any Moonpigs yet, Smow?  Hope Mr. Smow is taking you out for dinner .. just refuse to do the cooking on your special day. x

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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