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Online Maths games for KS2 & KS3

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Cmitchell | 00:01 Thu 10th Feb 2011 | Jobs & Education
2 Answers
I used to use a website some time ago that had maths games on it (suitable for Laptop / Interactive White Boards). It was UK based, always had a black background and always had background music (either immediately you loaded the page or as soon as you started playing a game). The games were only suitable for KS2 & KS3, but were brilliant. After you had picked a Maths category one or two players would pick a super hero, then the game would begin. Those that got the questions wrong would gradually see more and more bruises appearing on their superhero. Once all the questions were answered then the superhero / winner would be announced/displayed. At first when website was new all games were free. Then some months later you had to subscribe and pay to have access to all games, but a small number were still free. Those that were free didn't have a gold padlock next to thjem. Can anyone remember the name of the website or if it has been taken down? Would love to have another peek and maybe use in future.

All help much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance

Mitchell : )


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If you don't get an answer on here have a go on the TES forums where you'll be talking to more teachers than you are on here. Hope you find out what it is :o)
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Online Maths games for KS2 & KS3

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