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Magpas Double E Quiz

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obsessed | 12:51 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

Does question 36 have the right amount of numbers in the answer.



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I have an answer with 9 letters and not seen any letter change for that one

I am struggling to find an answer with 9 letters as well. Are there any letter changes for any of the others? 

What is the question?

It's a no asking quiz. 

Beware! It may be a 'no asking' one.

I have an answer with 9 letters 

I can have a go if someone asks but.

Dare I ask for a clue for  number 12 (7)

He always knew when it was bedtime

Last one to get and it's driving me mad

Do the answers have two Es or is it "EE" in the answer?

possibly the magic roundabout

Think on the Magic Roundabout...


A character in the Magic Roundabout

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Magpas Double E Quiz

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