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Breaking News – Fayed Sexually Abused And Raped Female Harrods Employees

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Hymie | 12:59 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | News
12 Answers

Who could possibly have known?

From Private Eye issue 951, dated May 1998

‘Secretaries have been flown to Paris, plied with gifts and champagne and then sexually propositioned.  In October 1993 he took no fewer than four of them to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor’s villa, gave them £100 each and demanded ‘Who is going to sleep with me tonight?’

Fayed also takes his pick of the young management trainees at Harrods.  One school leaver who began a two-year training course at the store, was quickly poached by Fayed for his private office.  Before she started, however, she had to undergo an examination by a Harley Street doctor ‘to see if you’re clean’.  One evening Fayed summoned her to his flat in Park Lane where she found him wearing a dressing gown.  He locked the door, offered her champagne, and put his hand on her thigh....eventually, and with difficulty, she persuaded the old lecher to let her out.

Many other women – all young and attractive, most of them blonde – have been ‘received for interview’ at Park Lane.  The visitors usually remain closeted away with Fayed for about two hours, after which, if the pharaoh is in a generous mood, security staff are instructed to hand them bundles of money.’



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My god, to think that mild mannered Egyptian qadi....

The doctor who examined them, has been referred to the GMC - The GMC saying they wd take any complaint etc etc

neglecting to say tht they can and have proceeded on no complaint but a newspaper article alone ( GMC v Madan)

He was a Muslim, that's how they treat women. Dunno why anyone is surprised.

You have no link so cant verify what you are saying but surely it is alleged?

More likely is that he was a billionaire, so believed himself to be above the law.

Maybe karma sorted it out in the end.

I don't understand why those girls went along with it.  They knew he was a disgusting, dirty old man. 

but surely it is alleged?

no he is dead - so it doesnt matter ( and will never come to court)

I allege: that the word is  over used by fluffies on the radio/teevee. " Alleged car crash" and shown pictures of a completely wrecked car....

Queen Elizabeth is allegedly dead -  oh my god !

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I don't understand why those girls went along with it.  They knew he was a disgusting, dirty old man. 

and stuffed the loolah into their purses

The afro caribbean footballer who invited the leddy to his alderley edge home to see  etchings - was acquitted or rape when the Mank jury disbelieved her tale that it  was all unexpected - - jack diamond I think

May not hold water legally but dead or not, an allegation is surely still an allegation.

Any deviation from the 'dirty old man' camp will, of course, be seen as victim blaming.

Now I can see how shenanigans during the working day could happen and be difficult to avoid but to make your way to a posh hotel in London or Paris at the invitation of an old lech might suggest a for profit outing, regretted at leisure.

//More likely is that he was a billionaire, so believed himself to be above the law.//

Keir Starmer at the CPS seems to have believed that.

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