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The Unions Are Revolting.....

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ToraToraTora | 12:56 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | News
15 Answers

The Labour conference voted to reverse the WFA fiasco. Less than 3 months after being elected. The chancellor gets booed and has to eject a protester. The PM also has to eject a protester. Now the conference votes to reverse a government policy. Has a government ever imploded so quickly?



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I think the Tory govt - on its way out - was worse - disloyalty, divison, out of school tittle tattle

even as  Rishi warned- "if you keep this up, you will get voted out of power"

It's worth mentioning that it's a non-binding vote Tora. The government is under no obligation to abide by the vote. Normally you wouldn't mention a vote led by your buddies at Reform.

"Has a government ever imploded so quickly?" Have you forgotten about that Prime Minister you voted for, Liz Truss?

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Yes of course it's non binding I'd be horrified if that bunch of idiots could actually decide government policy.

//Normally you wouldn't mention a vote led by your buddies at Reform.//

But they're not in government, Mozz - and this rejection is significant.  Highly significant.  If this government is listening - and I don't believe they are - it should tell them a lot.

What does it matter if its a non binding vote, it shows the level of feeling.

And Reform are not in Government, and never have been yet so what hasa that got to do with the price of butter?

Why not Tora? We've had a bunch of idiots deciding policy for the past 14 years.

I agree Naomi/YMF. The vote is important and one I believe reflects the opinion of the general public. I was just making a point as neither fact was mentioned in the OP (although I haven't read the link, I'm sure it's all detailed there)

The last bunch of idiots have gone so they're irrelevant to this.  Starmer is facing rebellion in his own ranks - and just a couple of months in.

Happens with most governments Naomi. As soon as people realise they're not getting what they want, internal strife begins.

But this isn't 'internal strife' as such.  This, I believe, reflects the mood of the country.   I don't think anyone expected them to do what they've done.

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13:11 perhaps but they are at least properly elected. As much as I despise Labour they are the elected government and have the right to do what they are doing. The unions are a bunch of anti British communists and they are not elected to make or enact policy. However it is significant that the government of the day gets such a bumpy ride at its own conference so soon after a landslide win at a GE. Do you not think so?

Maybe they'll adopt the Chinese walk of doom if it continues, have a couple of burly operatives escort ringleaders to a place of education.

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perhaps shazza and Roders can do a GOT style walk of attonment. I bagsy front row!

I quite like the Private Eye cartoon in which the train-station announcer says ‘The train arriving on platform 1 is driven by someone who can afford to have their heating on this winter’

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