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The Week 1432

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MargeSimpson | 21:27 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

Parsing please:

10A (Tartare) Tame changed on single sailors with eastern sauce. I'm supposing the single sailors could be tar twice, with e for eastern. But tame changed...?

13A US conductors have nothing to go on after this. (Last train?) Doesn't fit with US.



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Further thoughts: It is odd that "ame changed on single" also occurs in the next clue.  Perhaps there was a printing slip-up and 10A should have been 'Two sailors with eastern sauce'.
20:31 Tue 24th Sep 2024

Us as in we, common speak 'us conductors'

A conductor is a railway guard in the US.

But I can't explain 10A, though Tartare must be the answer.


tame changed is meat- steak? As in steak tartare?

Sorry, I agree with the tar tar +e but dont see where the first bit of the clue fits in

Best I could come up with last night was that 'tame' 'changed' is an anagram of 'mate' as in shipmate - but as it seemed superfluous, I went to bed. 😊

Further thoughts: It is odd that "ame changed on single" also occurs in the next clue.  Perhaps there was a printing slip-up and 10A should have been 'Two sailors with eastern sauce'.

^^^^ that seems a good shout.

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@DM 1938 - that did briefly occur to me, so thank you for that thought.

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The Week 1432

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