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Another Donation For Starmer

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gramps85 | 15:25 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | News
22 Answers

Yet another donation has come to light, I wonder how many more, he, or members of his Cabinet will surface over the coming days, months?



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What a ridiculous excuse!  The man becomes more pathetic by the day!

Isn't it good that he can get these embarrassments out of the way so early in his term of office.

Best that there are no more nasty surprises lurking that might disturb him as he guides the ship of state through the black holes and turbulences left by the last shower.

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I am sure that there any youngsters studying for their GCSCE's who can manage to find quiet places to study, such as libraries etc.  I know that my great granddaughter manages very well.

He will use any excuse to justify lining his own pocket.


He takes people for fools - and those who voted for him fell for it.

I wonder if the PM is aware of curtains and noise cancelling headphones.

His son could use these together to withdraw from the hubbub outside at any point in his studies and save all that travelling to and fro while leaving dear papa free to run the ship of state rather than think up ways of cadging favours.

Just trying to think outside the box. 👨‍🎓

Among the many donations Boris Johnson received was a single donation of £1 million – I don’t recall any ABers complaining about this.

Mr Johnson has many many children to provide for I hear, he gets a pass, as I'm sure Starmer Minor will get.

Bet Starmer complained about it, hymie.  😂

Abers seem very indignant at Starmer receiving significantly smaller donations than Boris.

Boris got his share of criticism - and how!  But however you try to shift the spotlight, this isn't about him.  Starmer is a hypocrite.

Did Starmer say he wouldn’t accept donations before receiving them?

If he criticised others he has no business accepting anything.

We're still not permitted to know the name of his son - or his other child, for that matter.  Surely somebody must know?

If I was PM I'd take all I could get & sod the lot of you (like Boris). 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Brainiac, I just googled that.  Apparently his son's name has been leaked - Toby - but the daughter's name is unknown.  Very odd.

nandy pandy got a donation to pay for her hotel in liverpool,it's 40 min away by train

they just can't help it can they.

I assume that the boy has his own bedroom? Lots of kids revising for their exams will have to share. 

It's nonsense, jourdain.

It must be the Conservative's fault, as everything else is.

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