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Just Witnessed People Driving To A Food Bank To Pick Food Up.

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dave50 | 14:41 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
53 Answers

These people weren't getting a lift, they were driving themselves and not all in old bangers either. Are people taking the proverbial?



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Naomi 18.01 ...Yes you did.

Gulliver, I said no one is starving in this country. 

17.19 How would my disabled husband,in a wheelchair climb ladders in B&Q? 

DUKEDELORCA, your question  referred only to, "a pensioner" not to your husband or any other pensioner with a disability. 

I am the only one who thinks bednobs at 16.59 was being sarcastic?

"You can get a referral from Citizens Advice; a GP; a housing association; or a social worker". How do any of these know your financial situation?  It takes weeks to see CAB, GP appointments are a joke, and I have nothing to do with the others.  Just asking.

 perseverer,18.51 NO!!

//But leaving aside that discrepancy, there was no WFA 50 years ago and nobody froze to death. //

But we had functioning mines & coal fires?

We also lacked the constant bombardment of the thoughts of anonymous experts.

Life was simpler then, pipe and slippers and a bottle of brown ale with most folk having the good grace to mind their own beeswax.

Naomi 18.30..There is no point in me taking up this argument with you because as soon as you start to lose . You just remove the  answers that  you don't like and suspend people . There is no point in taking up a conversation with you. Just a waste of time .OK,

davebro3 - 1 or 2 coalfires did precious little to heat up uninsulated, single-glazed houses.

People made more of an effort to keep themselves warm - sensible warm clothes, worn in layers; hot-water bottles in bed; adequate bed-clothes reducing 'gappage and draughts'; sitting with a woollen-blanket over knees.

Older folks didn't drop off the twig in the numbers predicted for future months.


GULLIVER, as there are sixteen Mods, unless a Mod posts to say he or deleted a particular post or thread, only that Mod and the Eds will know who it was.

Just because a known Mod participates in a thread, it doesn't stop any other Mod deleting posts in that thread so you cannot assume NAOMI has deleted one of your or another person's posts.


50 years ago my wife walked around the house with a thick coat on top of jumpers, thermal top etc. She used to cry because she was so cold. Inch thick ice on the inside bedroom windows. A one bar electric fire that did nothing. A water heater we couldn’t afford to run. No family allowance for the first child, and extortionate rent to pay.

no car, or phone. Biked to work etc. But if course, I forgot.... We never had it so good.  

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