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Enigmatic Variations 1661 By Chalicea

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Matakari | 11:37 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
25 Answers

Good day, Chalicea, one of my favourite setters, brings a pretty tricky offering for the EV this week. Help with the following would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

25a Fortification of constructed mansion-house sons abandoned ( 7 ): ?O?????

31a Non-Muslim; initially discovering him, I’m upset ( 6 ) : D?????

2d Firearm’s weight is carried by member ( French one ) ( 8, 2 words ) : ?RW?S???

4d Large African animals mounted indeed in exhibition hall ( 6 ) : ?W????

18d Backing dip into set of people in sort of implantation ( 8 ) : ??GA??M?

22d Something that expands retrospective cover on American tour ( 7 ) : ?AG??I?


PREAMBLE: Four statements made by 13 Across circle the grid in a clockwise direction, beginning at cell 13. A final S is ignored in one of them. Extra letters produced by the wordplay in 27 clues, read in clue order, give another of his statements. The PIG LATIN is not in Chambers Dictionary ( 2016 ), which is recommended.






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I only know it as a quote from The Forsyte Saga

NMA, the theme of the puzzle was to find certain statements from a famous person, someone who appeared in the grid. I'd never heard of him, but didn't mind reading up on him!

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Many thanks, newmodarmy, jj109 and NACW, Google helped me with all the others except this one.

Thanks, Matakari. I'd hoped you'd finish this off by yourself, but it wasn't to be- I had great expectations as that is the one quote (in the puzzle) that is in the ODQ!

Matakari, if you're looking in again now... I bet you were delighted to see Doc in the Spectator this morning! It wasn't quite as 'tender' as last week's puzzle, but still on the very Matakari-friendly side.

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Enigmatic Variations 1661 By Chalicea

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