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Units Of Measurements

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baddaboy | 11:43 Mon 08th Jan 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

17. w.c. males

18. hairy family

36. baby cow, not out

56. u.s. coin to greet lady

58 scar



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17 lumen

36 Kelvin?

18 firkin

56 diameter

56 Centimeter

of course the UK spelling "Centimetre"

58 mark?

58 ? mark   1/8 of an inch

I love the creativity in these units of measurement! Each one has its charm for "w.c. Males," I'm guessing that's a play on bathroom humor, and "hairy family" sounds like a quirky group of characters! The "baby cow, not out" is hilarious—what a cute way to say a calf! And "u.s. coin to greet lady" is such a clever riddle; I’m guessing that’s a “penny” for your thoughts!

It can sometimes be confusing, especially when switching between metric and imperial systems. I find it easier to stick with one system. I lean towards metric for everyday stuff, like cooking or home projects, because everything makes more sense to me—everything's based on tens!

It can sometimes be confusing, especially when switching between metric and imperial systems. I find it easier to stick with one system. I lean towards metric for everyday stuff, like cooking or home projects, because everything makes more sense to me—everything's based on tens! But I know folks who swear by inches and feet, which also works for them.
If you're looking for a handy tool to convert measurements, I’ve found a super helpful . It's simple to use and takes away the guesswork. Just plug in what you need; it does the math for you. It’s like having a buddy around to help out!

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