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If I Pretend To Faint What Will The Geese Do?

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pastafreak | 12:13 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

This farmer wanted to find out 😂

Could do without the cheesy music covering up the gorgeous honking 



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Those honks, roughly translated, meant; "Oh no! Who's going to feed us now?"

I fell down the stairs in my old flat (maisonette) and lay on the kitchen floor groaning.  Frankie ran over and screamed at me while wandering across my back.  He then nudged his food bowl in my direction.


That's love for you, wolf!.. 😁😆😅

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Lol wolf! Toby isn't much of a talker...he just gives me a scowling state when he wants something.

I laughed at the goose that fell over the watermelon. He was rushing to her.

How lovely!

I have had three "fainters" in my life - it is hell. . Always in company of course - usually a pub. One had done it before ( professional fainter) - and I was the only one who was new. So the pub was treated to a new spectcle and entertainment of professional fainter meets first-aider.

Another I was convinced was feigning, and SHE was awarded a scan and kept in Hospital

The third bit me

please dont be a fainter

Very funny 😁

Agree about cheesy music, spoils it a bit.

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If I Pretend To Faint What Will The Geese Do?

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